Teacher Training March of 2020

Fridays March 6th through May 15th from 6-9:30PM

Sundays March 29th, April 26th, and May 17th from 1-4PM

Please submit your application before Feb 1st 2020


Ethos Center for Yoga and Therapeutic Arts

Teacher Training with Kathryn Nicolai


When you reach the point in your practice where you feel the need to live yoga rather than simply do yoga, there is teacher training.

Teacher training is more than a course for learning how to share your practice with others; it is a chance to immerse yourself in a yogic way of life and to develop lifelong techniques for taking yoga off your mat.  Teacher training at Ethos Yoga is a process that will challenge you to embrace change and develop a serious personal practice of asana and meditation while helping you to let go of bad habits and unethical choices. 


This process begins with 12 weeks of intensive courses covering teaching techniques for Slow Flow, Yin and Ashtanga/Vinyasa yoga,   modifying postures for special needs, assists and adjustments, sequencing postures and building a flow, establishing a personal meditation practice and leading others in meditation, working with a theme and communicating with diverse students, empathic listening, articulating anatomy and physiology in simple terms, and Sanskrit.  


Participants of teacher training have admission to all classes at Ethos Yoga free of charge for the duration of the course and entrance into any future teacher training programs, as well as access to one on one feedback sessions and testings with Kathryn Nicolai.


The cost for this course is $2,000.

Space is limited and because interviews need to be conducted prior to acceptance please submit your application as soon as possible.



Teacher Training Course Application


Name____________________ Phone__________________




How long have you been practicing yoga?



What styles of yoga have you practiced?



What are your expectations for teacher training?



Why do you do yoga?



During teacher training you are required to maintain a daily asana and meditation practice.  Are you able to make this commitment?



Tell us about your lifestyle including your diet, and exercise habits.





  • Tuition for Teacher training is $2,000 and is due by February 1st 2020 unless a payment plan has been set up. (Payment plans are available!)

  • More information including a book list will be issued upon acceptance into the program.

  • Please attach a 1-2 page personal essay describing your experience with yoga, your opinions about the practice and any other information you want to share.

  • Once your application has been submitted you will receive a call or email for a short interview with Kathryn.



Questions?  Please call us 248-328-YOGA or email kathryn@ethosyoga.net


Teacher Training Frequently Asked Questions:


Q: I'm not sure that I actually want to teach yoga, but I love it and want to learn more about it. Should I take teacher training?


A: Many of our trainees don't have plans to teach (or at least not immediate plans) but use the course as a way to immerse themselves in all the things they love about yoga and to deepen their own practice. While the course will prepare all students to teach, it could perhaps be better described as yoga lifestyle training. If you want yoga to show up in more of your life, then it's for you.


Q: I just started practicing but I'm really excited about yoga and feel ready to train. Should I go for it?


A: Well, yes and no. We recommend that you have at least 6 months regular practice in all the styles we teach at Ethos before beginning your training. This assures that we are all speaking the same language once training begins. If for example, you've done a lot of vinyasa but have only practiced slow flow a couple times, you probably need to balance out your practice a bit more before you apply, otherwise your training just won't make as much sense as it could. On the other hand we have had very successful students who were almost brand new to yoga when they trained, they had so much passion for what they were doing and committed so fully to the process that their efforts overcame their lack of experience.


Q: Why doesn't Ethos follow along with Yoga Alliance's guidelines for teacher training? Does that mean I won't be an official teacher?


A:This is a tricky one! Yoga teachers are essentially self regulated. We don't take boards, or receive official certification from the state. Some groups have formed to try to regulate yoga trainings but their opinions are not universally agreed on. In Kathryn's opinion she is the best person suited to decided what should be a part of the Ethos training curriculum so she does not defer to another body like Yoga Alliance. This topic is being debated throughout the yoga community right now and it might not be a bad idea to do some research on your own and see what other studios and teacher trainees have to say. All our teachers at Ethos have been through our training program and their skills show the results. 


Q: I still can't do a headstand (lotus/bow/touch my toes/etc...) There's no way I could be a teacher right?


A: We need teachers for all types of students. We need people who can speak to all sorts of experiences. We need teachers who are young, old, flexible, stiff, strong, weak, grumpy and happy. We need teachers who have disabilities and teachers who have had been through the wringer of life. We need teachers who have practiced since they were kids and teachers who started practicing after they retired. We need authentic voices. That's what your community needs. Are you ready?


Q: I'm scared. What if I'm not good enough?


A: That's not a thing. From the very first night of training you will have the support of your teachers, and your fellow trainees. Most people form life long friendships in teacher training and say that the community it forms in their lives was one of the most significant parts of teacher training. Plus, Darcel will be there to help out. She makes things not scary. 


Q: Do you have a payment plan.


A: Absolutely, and we are very flexible with it. Kathryn can walk you through the options at your interview.