to May 3

Intuitive Eating & Body Positive Group Coaching Program


As the “New Year, New You” push begins just around the corner, many find themselves facing discomfort, dissatisfaction, and anxiety surrounding their bodies, their food choices, their overall health, and their holiday indulgences. Do you find yourself thinking come every January that you need to get it together and fix yourself and that maybe this year will be different if you just tried harder or just tried X, Y, or Z? What could you do or be if you didn’t spend so much time, energy, mental space, and effort thinking about food and your weight?

75% of women report disordered eating behavior. 9 in 10 women opt out of important life activities with friends or family because they don’t like the way they look. And eating disorders in adults have DOUBLED in the last 10 years. Maybe there’s a better way to approach health and happiness in 2020?

Do you struggle with HOW and WHAT to eat? Do you have low self esteem and poor body image? Are you sick of chronic dieting and being obsessed with food and the scale? Do you seek to make peace with and around food and gain more acceptance and compassion towards your body?

Often, as dieters, we punish ourselves for overeating, criticize our lack of willpower, and become angry for failing yet another diet. What if the problem wasn’t you? Science shows us that 90-95% of diets, cleanses, programs, etc. fail, while often ruining your metabolism in the process. What if you could relearn how to listen to and trust your own body again? What if you could gain fulfillment and confidence in your body no matter where you are at in your health journey?

Join Emily Cowen, a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, in finding food freedom and rediscovering the pleasures of eating. Learn how to become the expert of your own body and rebuild your body image in the process.

Together we will:

Foster greater mind body attunement

Learn and apply the different steps of the Intuitive Eating Process

Troubleshoot obstacles to implementation

Get into the psychology of emotional eating and shame

Let go of limiting beliefs and experiences

Cultivate greater body confidence

Practice more compassion, acceptance, and pride in your current body, and not just some body you hope to have again or have in the future.

Hating yourself into health, often feels like the most viable option to counter the uncomfortable feelings you may find yourself in, but is ultra restriction and putting pressure on yourself to “get it together” really serving you, motivating you, and making you feel good?

Intuitive Eating/Body Positive Group Coaching Program Includes:

EIGHT two hour sessions (5 in person, 3 phone sessions)

Book Provided

Guided Practice/Enrichment Activities between scheduled sessions

Unlimited Private Facebook Support Group

Unlimited Text/Email Support from Emily in between sessions

Personalized Recommendations and Troubleshooting



Ethos Yoga, Holly, Michigan

AND Remote Phone Sessions from the convenience of your own home.

January 12th: In Person

January 26th: Phone Session

February 9th: In Person

February 23rd: Phone Session

March 8th: In Person

March 22: Phone Session

April 19th: In Person

May 3rd: In Person



In order to create meaningful and rewarding sessions, enrollment in this group program is LIMITED! Payment is required to register/reserve your enrollment. Inquire for payment plan options. Partial Refunds/Prorated Program Fees will not be permitted if you cannot attend all 8 sessions.

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